The Matt's let me Crash Camp During Bell's Iceman Cometh Challenge 2024, and left Gear Guard Running as everybody finished, I had several clips so I strung them together and time-lapse of the event.
So if you have been on the struggle bus with securing the right USB-C drive for your whip, I found the following compatibility list useful and ended up buying this one. The Rivian was situated in just the right spot to capture riders as they returned back to camp. To get started snag the events and export them to USB-C
Mount the Drive
Now, lets take a look at the "Events" folder to see what we are up against in the capture.
The "sideRight" camera got most of the action, and there was about 82 events captured at about ~37MB or so, lets string these together and create one monolithic movie.
Download ffmpeg
The star of our show here is ffmpeg , we we need to run out and get it.
This was hanging out there in multiple posts on Stackoverflow, but this is what worked for me while parked in the root folder of the Events that were exported. For starters, we wanted only to string together the sideRight Gear Guard events, so to do this, we built a list which generated the files in order with a mask of the sideRight.
sween @ fhirwatch-pop-os ~/Desktop/DEEZWATTS/Event
└─ $ ▶ for f in ./*sideRight.mp4; do echo "file '$f'" >> rivian_iceman_events.txt; done
Once thats complete, check the ordering in the output file to see how we are doing.... LGTM.